Are you scouring Alibaba and Global Sources for the ideal supplier for your new product? Or trying to figure out what the competition is using for their supply chain? Stop doing everything yourself and work with an experienced sourcing agent.

Finding the right supplier is critical in any product business. So stop throwing that up for chance to your own ability to sift through an English manufacturing directory. Work with an expert who does this as a job, day in and day out.

We are excited to announce a packaged service where you can work with a manufacturing expert to find the right factory for your product based business.

How does it work?

We make this process as simple as possible

1) Get this package started, simply checkout on the top right of this listing and pay by a major credit card. No need to do bank transfers or currency conversions.

2) complete the sourcing request form after checking out. We’ll ask some important questions so that you sourcing expert knows exactly what you are looking for.

3) Get matched up with a sourcing agent. We’ll pair you up with a sourcing person who is skilled in your product category. Talk to them in English, through our secure messaging system. Sure, you can also add them on Wechat, but we strongly recommend all critical communication, files, and milestone requests and achievements are kept in the platform’s messaging system. Why? This is for your own protection, and allows us to help you track any issues later on

4) Receive a sourcing report where the sourcing agent has narrowed down various sources and research for your product.

Note – this is for one product per service. If you’d like us to do more than 1 product, no problem! Simply purchase another package. You can do them one at a time, or all at once. We recommend you get comfortable with the process first and then do more sourcing reports later.

This is an extremely critical part of your product based business. Having the right supplier for your business will let you scale up your sales and grow your business around the world. Don’t cut corners here, and work with people who have been through it day in and day out.


  • A sourcing report containing: Up to 5 factories that have experience in your product line
  • Feedback on what to look for in manufacturing your product. There are often “pain points” or “fail points” in mass production of many product categories. The sourcing agent on your project will identify some issues you may face as you scale up your manufacturing.
  • Suggested next steps – using the communication system here in the marketplace, feel free to ask a few questions to your assigned sourcing agent about what is the right next step to take in manufacturing your product. They should give you some good insights specific to your own case.


  • Sourcing request form – we’ll provide this form after you checkout.
  • Pictures / images of your product
  • Links of your product online – helps us understand it even better.


  • How long does it take to get the sourcing report back?
  • Once we have all your information, the form, and other clarifying questions, we can have it back to you within 7 to 10 business days. Please confirm with your sourcing agent once you confirm all the details, oftentimes it is sooner than that.
  • What will be inside my sourcing report?
  • This report will give you an overview of what types of suppliers you have in your “arsenal”. The size of the factory, the types of products they are experienced in producing. It will also explain where they are located, so that you can determine where to base your production and logistics services.
  • I have received my sourcing report, and have more questions
  • Yes, this can be an overwhelming report that creates even more questions than you had going into the process! The sourcing agent will have time to answer two sets of questions once they give you the report, so that you can get some confusion cleared up. It is very important you fully understand the report before placing an order with a factory. Getting your research done before placing the order is often overlooked – don’t make that common mistake!