Simple Chinese products/ factories directory/competitior/suitable media channels (that works) research report

Last modified: August 2, 2017

The price USD 100 is a estimated amount. Depending on the depth, time frame and scope of information you need, the price can be adjusted accordingly.

For many of you who would love to get to China market yet don’t have a clear picture on mind to help you make wise decisions: simple questions like how much are your competitors are selling , which media channels that will works most effectively for your ad spend etc? Or if you are sourcing from China and would like to select that best suppliers that works for your budget, your requirements and can get it done before deadline hits? I am here to help.

I have done quite a few market research projects including one for Charted Institution of Personal Development(CIPD) and which helped them came up with a pricing strategy that kills.



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    Chinese (Cantonese)

    Chinese (Mandarin)


  • Bio
    Hi I am Claire