Protection is critical when doing business in China. Having a clear, agreeable contract for both parties will reduce the stress and headache for not just the foreign buyer, but the Chinese factory as well.

This package includes everything you need so you can rest well at night – from anywhere in the world. Working with a seasoned legal consultant, you will sort out who the Chinese partie(s) you are doing this business transaction with, the financial terms, the exclusivity, non disclosure, and other parts that are critical for your long term success.

How does it work?

Pretty straight forward – after purchasing this service, you will provide your legal representative the details of the business deal you are going into. There will be a standard form to complete, and all items on this sheet must be fully completed in order for us to draft your agreement.

If you need to ask questions to the legal representative first, no problem, we have included 2 rounds of questions and answers with the consultant so that you make sure you are providing the proper details for this business contract.


  • 2 rounds of questions and clarifications with a legal representative consultant before drafting the agreement
  • 1 drafted agreement in digital form
  • 1 round of clarifications, tweaks to the document if the Chinese business counterpart is requesting.


  • Name of your business and the Chinese business
  • Jurisdiction (location) of the Chinese business
  • Date of signing
  • Product details
  • Order details
  • Exclusivity? If so, in what part(s) of the world
  • Non-compete agreed?
  • Non-circumvention agreed?


  • How long does this contract drafting take?
  • It depends on the speed at which you provide the initial form details as well as answer clarifying questions from the legal representative. Once they have all their questions answered, please allow 5 to 7 business days. If you have a more custom and complex case, they may require up to 10-14 business days.
  • Can I re-use this contract for multiple business deals?
  • Once we give you this agreement, you can apply it to as many business deals as you would like. Keep in mind, that even the slightest change in the deal may require a legal consultant to review the entire contract again. But for the most part, yes, you can re-use this contract if the deal(s) are similar.
  • What language(s) will the contract be in? English or Chinese?
  • Because this is a cross-border deal, we like to have both parties understand the contract clearly. Therefore, this is a bi-lingual contract, with the dominant language in English. What does this mean? It means that if there is any mis-interpretation in the document between the Chinese and English translation, the English will be used as the main language in court.