Do a Quality Control Chinese of Your Chinese Products

Last modified: April 5, 2017

I am a sourcing worker for many years in China. I have worked for Western companies and know what they are looking for. This service is for my time to go to a factory and check the products that they have. 

You need to provide me with:

* Your product details
* Your order details
* Send me a sample (if you can)

This project does not include my travel fee. If it is in Shenzhen, then no problem I can just pay that, but if it is further from my location I need to add that onto this project.

You need to tell me what you want to check in the factory. How many products do you want me to check? I can take photos of the product too and even send to you by Wechat while I’m in the factory.

I am an independent consultant – so just tell me what you want to do and I will try my best. If it takes more than 1 day at the factory I will need to ask you to approve another day or not. I’ll try to estimate before I go to the factory, but you know there may be a problem there and I need to stay longer. This is China!

If you have questions, please just ask me on the contact button on the right side of this project page. I look forward to helping you have good quality production in China.



  • From
  • Languages

    Chinese (Mandarin)


  • Bio
    Hi, I’m Cindy - or you can call me JuJu or Zhu Zhu! I have worked with foreigners doing China manufacturing for more than 10 years, and also worked for a International startup company that in charge of operation in China, and looking for funding, even been a tour guide...